A Guide to Creating a Seasonal Family Rhythm

A Guide to Creating a Seasonal Family Rhythm


We all desire to nurture a life where a stable home and authentic kinship with our children go hand in hand, but where do we begin? Writing your seasonal family rhythm isn't just a random or meaningless thing. It has the strength and ability to change how you view your life, motherhood, and your children. What we do compounds day after day, and year after year, to ultimately affect our entire life and our children’s future. I firmly believe that we have to (we get to!) design the type of childhood we want to give our children and the type of motherhood experience we will have as well.

Establishing a Seasonal Family Rhythm has been one of the most grounding things I have done as a mother.

With over a decade of experience, this guide will:

-Lead you through means of thoughtful, provoking research

-Show you the value behind a family rhythm and how it will affect your home and children in a positive manner

-Discuss how and why to establish custom fit rhythms during challenging seasons such as the loss of a loved one, the loss of a job, or simply the hard or cold seasons of life. If you struggle in the cold of winter, this is designed to help you through it.

-Offer a tangible guide map with examples for evening, daily, weekly, monthly, and yearly seasonal rhythms

-Guide you to establish a stable seasonal family rhythm that helps you feel encouraged through the ever-changing seasons of life.

-Share communication tools that nurture connection and kinship with your children.

-Straight forward path for implementation with final instructions and ideas for how to make this work in your family.

This family rhythm guide is a gentle whisper to wildly embrace all of life that comes with mothering children but doing it with a deep, established, strong, and stable root system. It will bring further harmony, connection, stabilization, freedom, and joyful nurturing back to your home. Please take careful time through this guide and pull from it to stabilize your heart, home, and family life. The desire is that you will complete the guide and walk away feeling encouraged throughout any season of mothering.

Join me in exploring seasonal family rhythms!

This is a full color 27 page content driven guide.

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